Surah Al-Ma'un (Small Kindnesses)



Surah Al-Ma'un (Small Kindnesses) - Aya count 7

أَرَءَیۡتَ ٱلَّذِی یُكَذِّبُ بِٱلدِّینِ ﴿١﴾

Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense?

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:

فَذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ ٱلَّذِی یَدُعُّ ٱلۡیَتِیمَ ﴿٢﴾

For that is the one who drives away the orphan

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:

وَلَا یَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ ٱلۡمِسۡكِینِ ﴿٣﴾

And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:

فَوَیۡلࣱ لِّلۡمُصَلِّینَ ﴿٤﴾

So woe to those who pray

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:

ٱلَّذِینَ هُمۡ عَن صَلَاتِهِمۡ سَاهُونَ ﴿٥﴾

[But] who are heedless of their prayer -

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:

ٱلَّذِینَ هُمۡ یُرَاۤءُونَ ﴿٦﴾

Those who make show [of their deeds]

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:

وَیَمۡنَعُونَ ٱلۡمَاعُونَ ﴿٧﴾

And withhold [simple] assistance.

Arabic explanations of the Qur’an: